Symptoms of a Potential Thyroid Disorder

Posted on: 21 November 2017


Your thyroid gland is located in your neck and plays a critical role in your endocrine system. This gland is tasked with regulating your hormones, which subsequently impacts the metabolic functions of your tissues and cells. If your thyroid gland develops a disorder, your body will experience a wide range of symptoms. However, since you can develop a broad range of symptoms, some individuals may not even be aware that their thyroid is declining. Thus, the disorder becomes exacerbated, which would increase your need for having to undergo thyroid surgery. So what are some of the symptoms to be wary of that could indicate a thyroid disorder?

Unexplainable weight fluctuations

Gaining weight is inevitable for some people as they age since their metabolism slows down. Nonetheless, if you realise you have lost or gained a considerable amount of weight in a short duration, there is a high likelihood that you could be suffering from a thyroid disorder. Hypothyroidism will usually manifest as increased weight gain, whereas hyperthyroidism would cause significant weight loss.

A change in appetite

When your thyroid gland starts to become underactive, you will find that you have a decreased appetite. The reason for this change in appetite is that your body will not be using as much energy as before, which means you will not be hungry enough to replenish your reserves. Conversely, when your thyroid gland is hyperactive, you will also find that you are always hungry because your metabolism will be increased. It should also be noted that changes in your appetite might not reflect in your weight. For instance, you may have an underactive thyroid and diminished appetite, yet find you are still gaining weight due to hypothyroidism.

Your menstrual cycle is disrupted

Most women have figured out the frequency of their menstrual cycle, which makes it easier for them to anticipate it. Moreover, as you age, you become more aware of the volume of your flow on the different days of your cycle. If you start to notice changes with your menses, you should consult a doctor to determine whether these changes are being caused by a thyroid disorder. An underactive thyroid may cause your period to come less frequently, and when it finally arrives, it would be heavier than usual. A hyperactive thyroid, on the other hand, may cause your menses to be more frequent and much lighter than usual. Take note that disruptions of your menstrual cycle could lead to infertility if left untreated.